New Bike and First Ride
It's here! Our bike arrived in the mail the other week and I was super excited. I patiently waited at the FedEx counter while the man at the counter shuffled some small boxes around until he finally realized I was picking up the enormous box looming over him. He called a co-worker over to ask what he was supposed to do in such a situation. The older employee helped him bring it over and they comically passed it over the counter. Strange Passenger. Just fits! They helped me carry it outside and asked me where my car was. I said it was a mile down Hillsborough St. and headed off leading the employee through the parking lot. When I looked back at his face, he looked equal parts confused and concerned. I told him I was joking as we got to my car 10 feet away and he looked very relieved. VP doing a concern. I had to put all the seats down to cram it in the Golf, but I got it in there. When I got home, I had to do quite a lot o...