
Showing posts from July, 2019

The End of a GDMBR Adventure

Our adventure on the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route has come to an end! We had a great trip and feel pretty accomplished traversing 1,000 miles on the route to the Grand Teton National Park.  Made it to the Tetons. Montana felt never-ending at times (containing the most number of miles - 710!), but provided a lot of different experiences from several continental divide crossings to high plains to hot springs to ghost towns to alpine meadows to sad logged areas and more.  Taking a spin on an old merry-go-round in a ghost town on the site of major gold discoveries in the 1860s - we did not see any gold, but lots of white sage. As we learned more about the upcoming sections of the trail, we determined that we weren't interested in biking the desert basin in Wyoming and heard about lingering snow issues in Colorado, so we figured that the beautiful Tetons would be a great ending place. We biked through Alberta, British Columbia, Montana, Idaho and into Wyomin...


Hello friends and family from Helena, the capital of Montana! Don’t worry- we’re alive and well, we just haven’t had enough time or internet to post. Official Harvers Bike photo, taken somewhere in British Columbia. 1 tandem bike + 1 beast of burden. Starting from Banff (the Canadian Rockies were so beautiful- thinking of you Aunt Audrey and Pam!!), we have biked about 625 miles. We’ve been enjoying the Great Divide, but I admit that it’s been more challenging than anticipated. Montana seems like the equivalent of our Appalachian Trail Maine; rugged, difficult, and each day has a new challenge...thunderstorms with hail, tough single-track trail, intense headwinds... we are excited to cross the state border in about a week or so. Though taken in Alberta, Canada, we’ve continued to encounter a lot of rain. We leaned early on that too much mud makes the bike dysfunctional, and that re-routes on road are necessary. Given the time we have, we have a new goal of taking time...